Trump’s Courage and Biden’s Failures

“If I am killed I can die but once,” Lincoln was fond of saying, “but to live in constant dread is to die over and over again.” Pres. Trump’s clenched fist pumping in the air as he repeated “Fight!! Fight! Fight!” showed a courage parallel to that of Lincoln who took us through the Civil War knowing that his life was in jeopardy. America is in the grip of a woke mania that is sapping our strength. Hillary’s “it takes a village” instead of a family to build a society is destroying respect for our culture throughout the world. That socialistic/communistic mindset is fostering a further decline in the birthrate. (Who wants to bring children into this contaminated milieu where parental authority is sabotaged by state-run education?) The Dems are creating an unbridgeable rift between God and man because of their gender affirming and pro-abortion agenda. For this writer, the recent conviction of Senator Robert Menendez is symbolic of a corrupt mindset throughout our government, but particularly among the Democrats who consistently put demagoguery for votes and money above principles.

Unelected “advisors” (puppeteers?) are guiding the Executive Branch of government not only in policy but on how to move from point A to point B to the podium to give a speech. The Biden gaffes, the falls, the offensive stroking and kissing, the gibberish, the endless stream of “whatevers,” the dazed and uncomprehending looks, the creeping instead of walking, the lashing out in anger, the bewilderment, and the shaking hands with invisible persons in the air have all served as incredible distractions and evidence of a leader who, sadly, is non compos mentis. Nevertheless, until the Trump-Biden televised debate, many of the pundits on mainstream media including those on CNN and MSNBC, continually denied the fragility and lack of coherence of our President. After the debate, a large panel of commentators appeared on CNN to analyze and comment on the debate.

All without exception claimed to be shocked and dismayed by Pres. Biden’s performance. Van Jones, a member of the post-debate panel, described Biden’s performance as “painful.” In short, the post-debate panel did a complete about face on the issue of Biden’s communication skills and competence as the top elected official in this country. How could this be? Had there been a hypnotic suggestion given to CNN commentators prior to the debate? Had the hypnotist snapped his fingers and relieved them of that mental control? Was this turnaround pre-planned as part of a backroom connivance concocted years before? Not one word was uttered by anyone about having made mistakes in denying Biden’s lack of acuity for more than three years. Not one word was uttered by anyone portraying Trump in a positive light. The entire focus was on Biden’s lack of clarity, lack of focus, and upon his significant cognitive decline. Trump received no compliments for his clarity, goals, or manifest leadership qualities during the debate.

To have a chief executive who is manifestly unfit for decision-making is offensive and dangerous for the country and for the world. Where is “the buck stops here” individual who was, in the minds of those who voted for him, supposed to lead the country for four years? Deplorables like myself have of course been asking that question since day one of the Biden presidency, but it seems as though the Democrat pundits/lackeys at CNN and in other venues have been in denial or worse. One is tempted to become one of those awful conspiracy theorists who might propose that this presidency has been planned from election day November 2020 through the Biden Executive Orders reversing most of Trump’s Executive Orders through the Afghan debacle, through the inflation debacle, through the Ukraine v. Russia debacle, through the deficit debacle, through the Transgender Visibility Day being held on Easter Sunday debacle, through the campus riots against Israel and Jews debacle (which continues without real-time censure or comments from the Administration), through the lawfare prosecution and persecution of J6 defendants (whatever happened to habeas corpus?) debacle, through the decline in the dollar in international markets debacle, through the illegal mass immigration debacle, and through the fentanyl death debacle, the shifting away from Medicare to Medicare Advantage debacle, the computerization of elections debacle, the Balkanization of America into so many sub-ethnicities and sub-groupings debacle, and now the recommendation of Kamala Harris for President debacle. National unity has taken a hit, especially during the Obama years, and now the post-Obama years of JB where so many of the advisers from the Obama years have served, albeit under different job titles.

Except perhaps for Abraham Lincoln, Trump has been tested by opposition and cruel attacks more than any American who has ever been in public life. His faults and limitations have been magnified to an absurd point, and the lies, accusations, and actions against his rightful activities have been massive. A Russian collusion hoax was perpetrated and acknowledged as invalid by Robert Mueller and reaffirmed by Special Counsel John Durham. He was impeached twice, the second time after he supposedly lost the election. What a farce! What a mockery of our system of government! He has been maligned, vilified, condemned, and threatened more than any living person in the USA. The courage to withstand this onslaught and the courage to pump his fist after being wounded by a domestic terrorist presents a standard of courage that should challenge and inspire each one of us.

E.Jeffrey Ludwig taught as a Teaching Fellow in American History and Literature at Harvard University. He also served on the Editorial Board of the Harvard Educational Review. He is presently pastor of a Bible-believing church where he regularly preaches The Word of God.

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